Azure support IoT App

Peter Pan


I am Peter. In the past few years, I learned few technologies. My experience contains: Today, I want to shard my IoT project with you!:)



Focus 4 sections.

Description - Overview

In factory, workers always do same operation below:

Managers need to time for these work.

Purpose - Overview

Their needs are as follows:

So it is a Production Monitoring System using IoT Technology. Let's just call it "PMS".

Prototype Design - Overview

Here is my IoT Basic Model Definition. It has 5 layouts. From top to bottom, they are:

Prototype Design - Overview

Based on my model, I designed this prototype architecture. PMS include 4 parts:

Original System Implementation - Overview

Readiness for Migrating to Azure IoT

Focus Core concepts for IoT.

How to do it

  1. Event Hubs replaces SDH.
  2. Stream Analytics replace DFP.
  3. Azure SQL used for matedata management.
  4. Block Blob Storage replaces MariaDB with manual partition what used for time series data store.
  5. Service Bus replaces 0mq/nanomsg PubSub.
  6. PowerBI will support better visualization.

Advantages vs. DisAdvantages


Advantages vs. DisAdvantages


How to improve reliability - Advantages vs. DisAdvantages


Only 2 parts: EventHubs & Stream Analytics

  1. Create EventHub Instance
  2. Create Storage Service Instance
  3. Create Stream Analytics Instance and configure Input, output, query
  4. Start Stream Analytics Job
  5. Start Event-Publisher
  6. Start Arduino-Simulator
  7. Check Event Data in Blob Storage

We can do more

Any Question?

Thanks! :)